Confirmed Keynote Speakers and Conference Theme

We are pleased to announce today:


  • CSD&M2023 Conference theme is: New Trends in Complex Systems Engineering.  It allows to cover related topics of all sectors in their innovation.
  • Confirmed keynote speakers (among 8 in total):


Guy A. BOY - CentraleSupélec (France)

Click here to see more inforamtion on the speaker and the speech
Antoine RAUZY - Norvegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)

Click here to see more information on the speaker and the speech
Wenfeng ZHANG (张文丰) - Aerospace System Engineering Institute (China)
Daniel KROB - CESAMES (France)

Click here to see more information on the speaker and the speech

Pierre VIALETTES- Airbus China (EU)

Click here to see more information on the speaker and the speech


Feiyue WANG -Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA

Wen ZENG -General Manager, AVIC Digital, CHINA


All selected papers with registered author presenter for Parallel Sessions of the PROGRAM will be announced before the end of August 2023.