Lecture Slides (with consent of presenters)
- CSD&M Beijing - pure-systems -What is PLE - 20231023 - print version ENG (PDF 1.5MB)
- Guy.A.Boy-HSI Keynote CSDM-2023 v5 (PDF 9MB)
- Daniel Krob-Systemic digital twins - CSDM 2023 - 1023 (PDF 3.4MB)
- DS-CATIA Cyber Systems Overview (PDF 6.8MB)
- Pierre Vialettes-Digital Design Manufacturing and Services_ Overview & Challenges (PDF 6.5MB)
- Zhang Wenfeng-ICRMS-MBSE分会场汇报-v3-英文(公开) -发布版(3) (PDF 9MB)
- CSDM 2023 - Rauzy - The Sigma Modeling Language (PDF 600KB)